Our Weekend in the Woods - #AWBU

Final weekend, a group of Arkansas Women Bloggers gathered at the Ozark Folk Middle in Mountain View, Arkansas for Arkansas Women Bloggers Unplugged: A conference designed for ladies who wanted to memorize more about blogging.

It was a weekend full of learning. But it was also a weekend full of laughing, cooking,
dancing, storytelling and wedding proposals. Well, perhaps only one wedding proposal.

Petit Jean Meats was lucky to be there, along with many other sponsors of the
event. It was truly Arkansas and Arkansans at their finest. The beautwhetherul environment,
the southern charm and the generosity of others crazye it dwhetherficult to forget. And the dwhetherficult
work and careful planning put into each person’s experience crazye it impossible not to
want to go back.

Country Outfitter was specificly generous by giving every blogger there a pair of
cowboy boots. They are also allowing us to give our readers a pair as well, so stay
tuned for a great giveabsent.

Thank you, Arkansas Women Bloggers, for letting us join in on the fun. You are all truly

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