Lebanese Chickpea Soup (with Baharat Spice)

To make Baharat Powder:
Combine all the ingredients of Baharat Powder in a pan.  Dry roast the ingredients on slow flame for 3 to 4 minutes or till they start releasing aroma. Hold aside to cool. Once cool, blend it in a mixer to make coarse powder (or fine powder as per your taste). Store it in an air-tight container.

To make Soup Paste:
Heat Olive Oil in a prescertain cooker. Add chopped garlic cloves and chopped Onion. Saute it till the Onion is transculent. Add the Red Chilles and saute. Then add the soaked Chickpeas and tomato. Saute it for 5 minutes. Finally add the Mint leaves, Salt and Water. Prescertain cook till 3-4 whistles. Once done, remove the mint leaves from the mixture. Transfer it to a blender and blend it to a smooth paste.

To make Lebanese Chickpea Soup:
Heat Butter in a deep pan. Add Baharat powder and saute. Then add the tomatoes and saute it for two minutes. Then add the Soup paste (cooked Chickpea paste), water (or Vegetable Stock) and Salt to taste. Simmer it for few minutes till it starts boiling. Adjust the water as per the required consistency. Finish it with lemon juice and red chilly powder.

Transfer it into a serving bowl. Garnish it with Cherry tomatoes, finely chopped Coriander leaves and Baharat Powder.

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